主页 / 常问问题


问1: 洗发水品牌真的有那么大不同吗?

Q1: Are shampoo brand really that different?

答: 实际上存在大量差异,从蛋白质和角蛋白等活性成分的浓度到每个品牌携带的化学负荷。 发廊使用的专业洗发水的pH值在4.5到6.5之间,对头皮和毛囊的伤害较小。 当然最好使用不含有害成分的有机洗发水。

A: There actually are LOADS of differences, ranging from the concentrations of active ingredients such as proteins and keratin, to the chemical load each brand carries.  Professional shampoos used in salons have a pH between 4.5 and 6.5, which is less damaging to the scalp and hair follicle. Of course it’s best to use organic shampoos that don’t contain harmful ingredients.


问2: 有没有一种洗发水可以帮助我的头发长得更快?

Q2:  Is there a shampoo that will help my hair to grow faster?

答: 可悲的是,没有。 你不能局部涂抹任何东西都可以帮助你的头发长得更快。 虽然有些产品可以通过加强头发来帮助阻止破损,但如果你想让头发长得更快,你必须从内到外做到这一点,即通过更好的营养:铁和锌(存在于菠菜、鲑鱼、扁豆和 例如鸡蛋)、叶酸和维生素 B(存在于糙米和全谷物中)和欧米茄 3(存在于油性鱼和核桃中)特别有用。

A: Sadly, no. Nothing you could apply topically can help your hair grow faster. While some products can help stop breakage by strengthening the hair, if you want your hair to grow faster, you’ll have to do that from the inside out, namely through better nutrition: iron and zinc (found in spinach, salmon, lentils and eggs, for example), folate and B vitamins (found in brown rice and whole grains) and Omega 3 (found in oily fish and walnuts) are particularly helpful.


问3: 我应该每天洗头吗?

Q3: Should I wash my hair daily?

答: 不是真的,但请注意,洗涤频率因人而异,取决于活动和头皮分泌的皮脂量。 并不是所有人都必须每天洗头——事实上,每天洗头会使头发变干,这就是我们需要护发素的原因。 但是过度使用护发素会使我们的头发变得柔软,所以我们用洗发水……然后循环继续…… 如果您确实每天洗头,请确保使用 pH 值平衡的非化学洗发水,以尽量减少接触化学物质并减少对头发的伤害。 我们喜欢用于普通头发的 Luxsit——超级温和有效,不含刺激性化学物质。 此外,确保您只将护发素涂抹在最干燥的部位 - 在大多数情况下 - 否则你可能会压低头发。

A: Not really, but note that the frequency of washing varies between individuals, and depends on activities and the amount of sebum secreted by the scalp.  It’s not necessary for all people to wash their hair every day–in fact, washing our hair every day dries it out, which is why we need conditioner. But then overuse of conditioner makes our hair limp, so we shampoo it…and so the cycle goes on…

If you do wash your hair daily, make sure you use a non-chemical shampoo that’s pH balanced to minimise your exposure to chemicals and reduce damage to your hair. We like Luxsit for normal hair–super gentle and effective, with no harsh chemicals. Also, ensure that you’re only putting conditioner on the driest parts–the ends, in most cases–otherwise you may be weighing your hair down.


问4: 经常洗头会让我的头发油腻吗?

Q4: Can regular shampooing can make my hair oily?

答: 不会。头皮上的荷尔蒙变化、遗传、汗水和摩擦会增加天然发油的产生,而不是洗发水本身。

A: No. Hormonal changes, genetics, sweat and friction on the scalp increase the production of natural hair oils, not shampoo itself.


问5: 你的头发“习惯”了某些洗发水并且效果会变差,这是真的吗?

Q5: Is it true your hair ‘gets used to’ certain shampoos and they become less effective?

答: 不。它们的成分应该随着时间的推移仍然有效; 但是,如果您经常使用一种产品,您可能会在其中积累残留物。 将澄清洗发水或一杯苹果醋或柠檬汁倒在头发上并在淋浴时冲洗干净,可以去除头发上的残留物。

A: No. They ingredients should still be effective over time; however, you may build up residues from one product if you use it frequently. A clarifying shampoo or a cup of cider vinegar or lemon juice poured over the hair and rinsed off in the shower will rid your hair of this residue.


问6: “分叉修复”洗发水真的能修复分叉吗?

Q6: Can ‘split end repair’ shampoos really fix split ends?

答: 不,这是营销噱头。 一旦头发分叉,你所能做的就是剪掉分叉的头发。 这些产品的作用是将裂口“粘合”在一起,通常使用有机硅成分,但请注意,这些产品会使您的头发非常干燥,经常使用最终甚至可能导致更多分叉!

A: No. This is a marketing gimmick. Once a hair is split, all you can do is cut the split off. What these products do is ‘glue’ the split together, usually with a silicone based ingredient, but note that these are quite drying on your hair and regular use may eventually even cause more split ends!


问7: 我每天都使用造型产品,但我认为我的洗发水并没有完全清洁它们。 现在我的头发很暗! 我能做什么?

Q7: I use styling products every single day, but I think my shampoo isn’t cleaning them off completely. Now my hair’s dull!  What can I do? 

答: 一些产品,如硅胶,会堆积在头发上,很难去除。 每周一到两次,您可以使用pH值高于其他产品的深层清洁洗发水。 澄清洗发水非常干燥,所以一定要使用护发素。 在任何情况下,每周使用的洗发水都不要超过 2 次。 如果你想尝试更自然的方法,同样,一杯苹果醋或苹果醋就可以了!

A: Some products, like silicone, build up on the hair and are hard to remove. Once or twice a week, you can use a deep cleansing shampoo that has a higher pH than other products. Clarifying shampoos are quite drying, so be sure to follow with conditioner.  In any case, never use a clarifying product for more than 2 shampoos per week. If you want to try a more natural approach, again, a cup of apple or cider vinegar does the trick!